Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Such language...

Thanks to driving a minivan and having to go all over creation to accomplish anything, I like to plan out my days to either stay home and close by or get it all done in one shot.  I hit the Pee Wee Playtime with Cailin this morning, as usual she had a great time.  Afterward, I needed to pay our property taxes so I headed to Elkton with the intent of getting Chick-Fil-A for lunch.  A few things to make note of regarding this decision.

1)  It was lunch time.  The place is hopping to begin with.  Add in lunch time and I'm beyond thankful for the Mom's Valet service they provide.
2)  We just came from Pee Wee Playtime which is open to the public and while I don't like to judge other parents, I do like to make note of the way they parent.  
3)  Related to the above is that some of the women from PWP were also at Chick-Fil-A and I don't know how but the children had multiplied and I really couldn't handle the play area at its current head count.
4)  My kid is a runner and when you have your hands full is the best time for her to run.

I had gone to the trash can closest to the door because my plan was to drop the trash, hit the bathroom, get a refill of tea, and go.  What happened instead was me hitting the trashing, grumbling under my breath because she instead ran back to the play area.  She's little and can't read so she was pushing on the door instead of pulling.  I walked back to get her, reminding her that we were leaving.  How does my delicate flower react to these events? 


Whether or not I agreed with the sentiment or was possibly thinking it to myself during the chain of events is no matter.  She said it, clearly and in context, again.  Awesome.

I don't want to make a big deal out of it because she'll eat that up but I don't want to let her get away with it.  As we walked I told her that we don't use such language, it's not nice.  I don't think she cares and I'm pretty sure that one of the older gentlemen having lunch heard her, me and was laughing.  See above regarding how she'll eat up the attention.

For those family members reading this, I already know what you're thinking and you can stop laughing at me.  

1 comment:

Lauren said...

lordy, we were a pee wee disaster this morning! and for once, it wasn't dory! unfortunately, nora's mood hasn't improved with a nap and she's balancing on the knife's edge of a good mood at the moment. thank goodness for toy story 2 is all i have to say.

and i only laugh at your misfortune because it isn't mine at that exact moment, haha! ;) if it makes you feel any better, nora has yelled "dammit" and an exasperated "jeezus christ!" in CHURCH. i have nooooooo idea where she picked those up...