Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fast Forward

We'll say by about 5 years, sound good? Here's the quick catch up, since the last entry James has turned 8 and his sister has turned 2. Yes, his sister Cailin. The one that was never mentioned in the handful of entries that were posted. Getting her was probably the main reason there was a hiatus in entries. It happens. It also happens that she is going to be part of the reason that entries will continue being sparse. Not much else has changed to be honest. We haven't moved, we still own dirt. Eventually we'll get to live on that dirt, we just don't know when.

There was a genuine reason for stirring up this particular blog that has gone unloved for so long. Actually, two if you wanted to be technical.

James hit the first grade and begged for Cub Scouts. We resisted. I was still pregnant, then just had a baby and we were still getting in the swing of things. Towards the end of the school year we learned that resistance was futile. We went to a pack meeting and were quickly assimilated. We left that evening under the impression that Brian was becoming an Assistant Den Leader and I would later be in charge of the annual Blue and Gold banquet. The idea of Cub Scouts being a father/son activity is great but a total myth. The reality of it is that now, two years later, Brian is the Committee Chair in addition to the Assistant Den Leader, I am the Treasurer and just finished with the Blue and Gold for 2012. Being that Cailin is now a 2 year old girl, it's a little hard to say where she fits in the Cub Scout scheme of things. She is of the opinion that she too is a "Bub Scout" and frankly, we don't have the energy to argue with her. She's really opinionated.

The above being the primary reason for blog revival, the secondary is Pinterest. I think for the most part, everybody knows what it is and how it works. Those of us that worked on the Blue and Gold came up with some great ideas, did a lot of work and put our own spin on the great ideas of others. What I found when searching Pinterest was that there wasn't much specifically Scout related and I'm fairly certain that we're in this Scouting thing for the long haul.

Eventually, maybe, hopefully, I'll be able to get back to the original intent of the blog, sharing the house building experience, but for now I think it'll be just as fun to share everything that we're doing with the kids.

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