Friday, February 24, 2012

I am your mother...

And I make things happen!  I’m still giddy over this and couldn’t put off sharing it any longer.  Like I mentioned in the last post, James joined Cub Scouts at the end of 1st grade.  My big contribution during his first full year was heading up the Blue and Gold banquet.  If you’re not familiar with Scouting, this is the big to-do celebration held every year.  I also can’t stress enough how fortunate we are as a pack to have the support we do from American Legion, Post 194.  Every year we get the use of their facilities and that alone takes our banquet to the next level. 

Our theme for this year, as chosen by the Cubmaster via a bug placed in his ear by one of his 9 year old triplets, was “All Things Space”.  Now, it’s no secret that this family ranks pretty high on the geek scale so I had to restrain myself just a bit in how far I took the theme.  I could have gone campy.  I could have gone hard-core sci-fi.  Campy, hard-core sci-fi was also an option but it’s no fun when nobody gets the references.  I decided to go classy as though I too were a young boy between the age of 6 and 11, or a grown man who had to be sworn to secrecy. 

May I introduce to you, the 501st Old Line Garrison…

Oh yes, that’s Darth Vader, or “Big Guy” as Cailin calls him.  She loves him and she is still mad that she didn’t give him a hug.  The first Saturday in May is going to be so fun. 

This group drove from surrounding areas of White Marsh, Baltimore, Glen Burnie, and I believe even close to Washington to be at our banquet.  I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing it was to be there for this.  These guys do this on their own time and dollar.  The only thing asked of us was to do something charitable or make a donation in their name.  Take some time to read about everything the 501st do as a group across the country and I’m sure you’ll agree that’s a small price to pay. 

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