Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm behind.

I'm terribly behind on many things right now. Easter pics would be one of them! This house, the new house and whatever my domestic responsibilites are, none are on schedule. That being said, I have tons of new pics and things to share, just not today. Instead I'm offering a little video of James singing. He's definitely a singer, he learned this song today in school, the other one we learned from MySpace. I have no idea how to edit it down for length and I'm sorry but you'll also have to listen to my singing along, it was the only way. That and I had to bribe him with a beef and cheddar so I hope this is appreciated!

ETA: I have to have someone show me how to edit the video after all. You Tube has a limit of 100 megs per video and my video is about 267. I can't even do something on a whim and be on schedule.

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