Sunday, June 3, 2007

Wow, where's May? Part 1

Ok, where did May go? I really don't know and I'm not going to lie and pretend like I had something up here. May was such a blur but of course I can share the highlights!

On the 2nd, we went to "the big school" and watched our friend's daughter participate in her first Field Day. Sad to say, James had as much interest in watching Field Day as his mother did in participating years ago.

On the 3rd, we had a field trip to Kilby's Farm and over to the ice cream place. There really weren't too many photo opportunities on the trip. For some reason, the calves liked James. As he walked by each cage, they'd run up and nuzzle and try to get his fingers. He's like the "Bovine Whisperer". He can't be a cow whisperer. The only real new knowledge we walked away with that day was that cows have given birth. If you haven't given birth, you're a heifer. I personally like the sound of being a cow over a heifer. Anyway, the trip was quick, relatively painless and there was free ice cream for the children when all was said and done. Here's a shot of him with one of the calves and on the way back with one of his friends. They discovered the hump on the floor and just assumed that it was an extra seat and since there are no seatbelts obviously safety isn't a priority on the school bus. Grrr, I hate 3 year old logic.

The 3rd was a long day for us. The weather warmed up and we headed over to the park with some friends and grubbed for several hours. Seriously, we were there from about noon something to after 5. I really only have a few shots that I can share with the internet world because of one little thing:
There, I said it. The child was free as a breeze, more than once and I could not compose myself enough to put on "Angry Mom Face" and do something about it. I'll be honest, it was hilarious. The first time was slightly accidental. His friend stumbled in the water and when he tried to go in after him, he fell on his butt. I said "take your pants off, I have extras in the van" and next thing I know, he's down to an Orioles shirt and hat. Nothing else. I don't know how he does it so fast! Later on, after I had covered the child back up, we're sitting under the pavillion and two teenage girls walk thru and start laughing when they hit the bridge. Ok, that's a warning if you're ever gonna get one. Maggie asked "are they doing something" and they nodded with their hands over their mouths. I asked "are they naked" and they really started nodding. Sure enough, there's my son and his friend, under the bridge throwing rocks. Naked. I don't mind so much the getting naked part, it's the part where he starts peeing on everything. Honestly, he's worse than a dog in the woods.

On the 5th, we went to the Luau for Leukemia in Fair Hill. It was a great charity event, our friend's band was playing and we figured James would have a great time and it would give us a chance to remember the "adult" things we did before child. I realized afterwards that having a 3 year old is very much like being the designated driver. It's much the same theory, keep these people from getting hurt, embarassing themselves, others or both. In that category falls naked. Do not let these people get naked. We failed on that front, again. They had a sandbox set up for kids and apparently, James was able to strip down to his shirt and one sock in the amount of time it takes Daddy to untangle plastic leis. Being the ever supportive wife and mother that I am, I replied "good" and laughed when I heard about it. Anyway, James had a chance to try out our friend's drums. Yeah, we're smart like that and he was ever the white boy with his "moves" on the dance floor. Oh yeah, those moves, they made an encore at the preschool graduation. I'll share that in another post, probably Part 4.

Didn't I say May was busy?

Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm behind.

I'm terribly behind on many things right now. Easter pics would be one of them! This house, the new house and whatever my domestic responsibilites are, none are on schedule. That being said, I have tons of new pics and things to share, just not today. Instead I'm offering a little video of James singing. He's definitely a singer, he learned this song today in school, the other one we learned from MySpace. I have no idea how to edit it down for length and I'm sorry but you'll also have to listen to my singing along, it was the only way. That and I had to bribe him with a beef and cheddar so I hope this is appreciated!

ETA: I have to have someone show me how to edit the video after all. You Tube has a limit of 100 megs per video and my video is about 267. I can't even do something on a whim and be on schedule.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Spreading a little sunshine...

It's official, James is now #66 on the Rising Sun Sunshine Division of Little League!

Why 66? Because that "is just like Route 66, just like Lightening McQueen, Lightening McQueen is my favorite because he is fast..." and that's a good enough reason when you are 3.

For your viewing pleasure, we have the before and after shots. The before was taken in the driveway when he was arguing about the stroller and why we weren't letting him take the practice tee and ball set, after all, we are going for baseball. Yes, he is wearing a Green Day shirt. The after shot is with his new #66 shirt and hat. Discussion has already been had that you do not wear the number in the front. I'm sure we will have it again.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

About 4 years past due...

Yay! I finally did it! Does anyone remember that we promised to start a website when I was pregnant with James? Hmm, maybe I shouldn't remind everyone of that. Anyway, here it is, a nice place for us (meaning me) to give some updates and pictures of all that is going on in our life.

Why the sudden dedication? Our house! We have the deed, land, plans and an estimate from Elkton Homes. We still lack the building permit and financing but we're getting there. What we also have is a group of people with a sparked interest in just how a modular home is built. I've had picture requests and really I couldn't figure a reason not to share. This weekend I will head back to the farm and take some shots of the land and have them ready to share!

Another activity for this weekend is the sign up for the Little League's Sunshine Division. We'll look at it as a basics camp for the kids who aren't old enough for T-ball. We'll also look at it as nothing more than a $30 Summer activity. James wanted to play soccer but isn't able until next year. Somehow, soccer seems to be natural for him. He can run with the ball, go around it and so on. How do I know? Because he keeps doing it with the softball we practice with. The only other thing he's done when we practice is pick dandelions.