Saturday, March 31, 2007

Spreading a little sunshine...

It's official, James is now #66 on the Rising Sun Sunshine Division of Little League!

Why 66? Because that "is just like Route 66, just like Lightening McQueen, Lightening McQueen is my favorite because he is fast..." and that's a good enough reason when you are 3.

For your viewing pleasure, we have the before and after shots. The before was taken in the driveway when he was arguing about the stroller and why we weren't letting him take the practice tee and ball set, after all, we are going for baseball. Yes, he is wearing a Green Day shirt. The after shot is with his new #66 shirt and hat. Discussion has already been had that you do not wear the number in the front. I'm sure we will have it again.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

About 4 years past due...

Yay! I finally did it! Does anyone remember that we promised to start a website when I was pregnant with James? Hmm, maybe I shouldn't remind everyone of that. Anyway, here it is, a nice place for us (meaning me) to give some updates and pictures of all that is going on in our life.

Why the sudden dedication? Our house! We have the deed, land, plans and an estimate from Elkton Homes. We still lack the building permit and financing but we're getting there. What we also have is a group of people with a sparked interest in just how a modular home is built. I've had picture requests and really I couldn't figure a reason not to share. This weekend I will head back to the farm and take some shots of the land and have them ready to share!

Another activity for this weekend is the sign up for the Little League's Sunshine Division. We'll look at it as a basics camp for the kids who aren't old enough for T-ball. We'll also look at it as nothing more than a $30 Summer activity. James wanted to play soccer but isn't able until next year. Somehow, soccer seems to be natural for him. He can run with the ball, go around it and so on. How do I know? Because he keeps doing it with the softball we practice with. The only other thing he's done when we practice is pick dandelions.